Washington (Daily Pakistan Online) A woman who accused US President Joe Biden of sexual harassment during the 2020 presidential campaign appeared in Moscow on Tuesday. The woman said that she is asking President Vladimir Putin for Russian citizenship.

Tara Reid worked briefly in Biden's congressional office in 1993. She said she wanted to stay in Russia because a Republican lawmaker told her her life was in danger. Reid, 59, said in an interview with Sputnik Media Group that she had come to Russia for a vacation. 'When I got off the plane in Moscow, for the first time in a long time I felt safe, and I felt respected.

Reid made headlines in early 2020 by claiming that then-Senator Biden sexually assaulted her in a Capitol Hill corridor in August 1993. He was 29 years old at that time. The allegation came at a time when Joe Biden's rival candidate, Donald Trump, was also being accused of sexual harassment.