Cycle rickshaws used to ply frequently in Karachi then. These people used to hire rickshaws in their free time and thus earn some extra income. Then as soon as one feels that he is now able to take on the additional burden of supporting his family, he also hires other members of his household. He would have called Karachi. There he would have rented a half-room house in a slum somewhere or built his own small and simple house. Thus, their resettlement started.

After Ayub Khan's government, the cycle rickshaw was gradually stopped as an inhuman ride and the motorcycle rickshaw was introduced in its place. Then the Pashtuns also shifted towards this new ride. They were hardworking and strong people. , would work for many hours continuously. In those days, the practice of giving rickshaws and taxis in installments was also common in Karachi, for which one and a half times more than the original price had to be paid, but since the monthly installments were within their reach, they could easily complete the payments and drive the vehicle. became the owner of Many people had bought more than one vehicle and they used to call their loved ones from their native areas and hand over these vehicles to them not only increasing their wealth but also becoming a source of employment for them.

Then a time came that they had complete control over the means of traffic and transportation in all of Karachi. After rickshaws, they also established their monopoly in the business of buses, trucks, tankers, etc. The Urdu-speaking migrants of Karachi did not express their displeasure at that time, because the work was not in their nature, at least they did not have any direct conflict with the Pashtun workers. was Everyone was happy in his position and earned the bread of respect in his field of activity. Gradually the number of Pashtuns started increasing in Karachi. Their children were also now studying in local schools and colleges. Pashtuns also preferred to stay in one place in Karachi. Set up your own slums from place to place and then stay here permanently.

These people also brought with them their sand traditions which were slightly different and somewhat stricter than others. Therefore, they remained somewhat isolated from other nationalities. Jirgas used to sit here like in their native areas to settle disputes with them, and the elders used to sit together and settle a case to which everyone submitted. During the marriage rituals. And on happy occasions, they also used to perform their traditional dances. Sometimes it also happened that a few youths would get together and there they would start a tribal dance to the beat of the drum.

The Pashtuns were generally peaceful people, but there were definitely some evil and criminal people who did illegal things. Apart from petty crimes, they also got involved in narcotics and drug trade, although their intoxication of times was limited to marijuana only. Many of them used to bring enmities with them when they came down from the mountains and kept reckoning with each other by fighting and killing each other in extreme situations. Of course, some people had dangerous weapons which they used to display openly. However, he somehow made his presence felt in this society. (to be continued)

Note: This book is published by "Book Home". The institution does not necessarily agree with the author's views (all rights reserved).