WASHINGTON (Pakistan Online) Dermatologists in the United States have discovered the world's smallest skin cancer, measuring only 0.65 mm. The shocking revelation came after the woman went to a skincare specialist, concerned about a red spot under her eye for years.

While examining the skin of Christie Staats, the dermatologist noticed another spot on the same right cheek. Experts at Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) later identified this tiny spot, almost invisible to the human eye, as melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer.

According to the university's website, the cancer is so small that it has been awarded a Guinness World Record. On May 1st, a member of the Guinness World Records team came to OHSU to present a certificate for their newly earned record. The discovery was made in January but the certificate was issued on May 1.

Dr. Alexander Witkowski, assistant professor of dermatology at OHSU, looked at the cancer. The discovery means melanoma can be treated before it spreads, he said.