New Delhi:  Baldness is a common thing in men. Most people ignore it and live a normal life, but some men carry the bald eagle on their 'heads' and become quite psychotic. According to India Times, experts say that although baldness does not have a significant negative effect on a man's physical health, the mental health of such people can be affected, because the loss of hair completely changes a man's personality, which some It is difficult for people to accept.

According to experts, the biggest change in people who take the negative effect of baldness mentally is that they suffer from a lack of self-confidence. A study by the experts of the American Academy of Dermatology has also revealed that men who have baldness beyond a certain limit experience a lack of self-confidence.

In the results of many investigations, it has also been reported that other than lack of self-confidence, many other mental disorders are also caused by such men. Such people reduce interaction with others and become solitary. Experts say that the person who is facing this situation should control himself emotionally.

The focus should be diverted from the hair to other positive activities. He should convince himself that hair loss is not a problem that should be taken to the head and ruin his mental health. Instead of worrying in vain, do your own research using the internet and find out the causes of your hair loss and try to remedy them. If you cannot come to a conclusion on your own, consult a doctor.